Kriek - Brett Cherry Cyser
A cherry cyser fermented with a hybrid of saison ale yeast and brettanomyces lambicus. This cider has coriander floral and heavy pollen nose from the golden rod honey, intense brett character with horsey, smokey, and spicy notes followed by a dry but gentle sour cherry finish.
Little Boy Brett
A blueberry cider fermented with a nybrid of saison ale yeast and brettanomyces lambicus. After primary fermentation we finished this cider with a hint of cinnamon. This cider has a subtle blueberry nose, high intensity brett character with horsey, smokey and spicy notes followed by a dry, sour finish with a touch of apple and cinnamon.
Saison Brett
Saison Brett is fermented with a Saison Ale yeast harvested from our Saison Reserve Cider and Brettanomyces that was cultered and grown at Cider Creek. This cider has a funky brett nose, citrus, white pepper and earthy notes followed by a dry, sour, finish.