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Brewsters Brewing Company, Alberta, Canada

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Represented in: 
British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba

Brewsters Brewing Company, Alberta, Canada

We believe that every beer should share a story and every story should share a beer. When it comes to Brewsters – our beer is our story, and our restaurants are the stage. For over 25 years, we’ve been refining the art of beer in Western Canada. And we’re just getting started.


Our founder Michael Lanigan started Brewsters in 1989, way before small-batch brewing was the trend it is today. Now, as a second-generation family business, our batches aren’t as small as they once were. But the idea that got us started is the idea that still drives us today. It’s a pretty simple formula, really – combine beer that’s brewed with passion with an outstanding dining experience. That formula has led us to where we are today – one of Alberta’s longest-standing local breweries, with 9 restaurants across the province.

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