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DAY 20: Millevertus, Mere Vertus

DAY 20! Friday! Tripel time! This 9% "Sacred Triple", Mere Vertus, is brought to you by Millevertus Brasserie Artisinale in Breuvanne (Tigtigny) Belgium.

"A passion for creativity. A search for the best. A love of taste. Our beers are the result of tasty marriages, balanced between simple ingredients but selected for their quality.

Our range of beers is the expression of a ceaseless journey in the search for style and taste. Of traditional Belgian inspiration: blonde, brown, triple, quadruple, amber. Foreign-inspired: stout, smoke. Culinary-inspired with spices used "hop-like" in hot or cold decoction: white, peppers, saffron, ...
Barley is the benchmark, but we also offer oats, wheat, ...

A brief history of Mere Vertus:

It's an evolution of Saint-Denis, the beer named after a Saint from the village of Toernich, the cradle of all our beers. For this creation, the alcohol level rises from 7.5% to 9%. It becomes more complex by adding 1 malt and 1 different hops for a total of 5 malts and 5 different hops. The recipe will evolve quickly by replacing the Pale Ale malt with Cara 5 which will bring it its legendary sweetness ... on the palate.

Bitterness is her creed! Convert, otherwise you will be dealing with it! Before each sip, you will religiously recite 5 Pater Noster Lupullus and 5 Avé Maria Maltus. You will then be enlightened by the perfection of balance and its length in the mouth: a real taste of paradise ..."

Brasserie Artisanale Millevertus

Cheers to Friday! Hope you have an awesome weekend!

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