To Belgium for DAY 2! This offering, the VI Wheat, from Brasserie de Jandrain-Jandrenouille
The Féculerie farm in Jandrain-Jandrenouille was transformed into a brewery in the summer of 2007. That year, the first product of the brewery was born, the IV Season, corresponding to the wishes of its designers. In the years following (and with a savant-like dosage of traditional Belgian know-how and declination of hops US bitters and aromatics) V Cense and VI Wheat appeared! Since the beginning of 2016, the brewery was registered work in short circuit (water pumped in the village, local malts coming mainly from a farm of Corroy-Le-Grand, 96 solar panels covering ~ 80% of the consumption brewery energy, etc ...) which makes the beer produced at the brewery 99% local (only hops remaining US for most products).
See: http://